Plotting workflow graphs
SciPipe 0.8.0 introduced a feature to plot a directed graph of workflows in SciPipe [1]. This can be done in two ways:
- Just producing a DOT text file, with the graph definition
- Also converting this DOT file to PDF.
Number 1. above can be done without any external dependencies, while number 2
requires that graphviz, with the dot
command is installed on the system (On
Ubuntu it can be installed with the command: sudo apt-get install graphviz
How to plot graphs
To write a .dot file in SciPipe, include a line like follows, in your workflow
definition, provided that you have initiated the variable wf
with a workflow
func main() {
wf := scipipe.NewWorkflow("my workflow", 4)
// Workflow code here
wf.PlotGraph("") // <-- SEE THIS LINE!
If you want to also convert the dot file to PDF in one go, instead change the next last line to:
How to plot graphs conditionally based on a flag
Now, you might not want to generate a new plot every time you run your workflow (although, perhaps you would? ... checking in a .dot version of your workflow could in fact be a great way to keep a more readable version of your workflow at hand ... but anyhow), you could make the plotting optional, based on a flag. This is something we've found ourselves doing quite often at This could be done as follows (more complete code example):
package main
import (
var (
plotGraph = flag.Bool("plotgraph", false, "Plot a directed graph of the workflow to PDF")
func main() {
wf := scipipe.NewWorkflow("testwf", 4)
wf.NewProc("foo", "echo foo > {o:out}")
if *plotGraph {
Now, the graph will only plotted if you run your workflow with the
flag, e.g:
go run myworkflow.go -plotgraph
[1] these are often called "DAG" for "Directed Acyclic Graph", but SciPipe does not have a guarantee or requirement on acyclicness of the graph, thus just "directed graph".