- SciPipe is very heavily dependent on the proven principles form Flow-Based Programming (FBP), as invented by John Paul Morrison. From Flow-based programming, SciPipe uses the ideas of separate network (workflow dependency graph) definition, named in- and out-ports, sub-networks/sub-workflows and bounded buffers (already available in Go's channels) to make writing workflows as easy as possible.
- This library is has been much influenced/inspired also by the GoFlow library by Vladimir Sibirov.
- Thanks to Egon Elbre for helpful input on the design of the internals of the pipeline, and processes, which greatly simplified the implementation.
- This work is financed by faculty grants and other financing for the Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics group of Dept. of Pharmaceutical Biosciences at Uppsala University, and by Swedish Research Council through the Swedish National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden.
- Supervisor for the project is Ola Spjuth.